Throughout the last 3 decades Dr. Flamenbaum has authored and published over
100 professional, popular articles and scientific papers dealing with the management of high yielding dairy cattle in warm climates.
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• "Dairy Cattle" - Professional Information - a series of articles (59)
Video Lecture abut: Heat Stress in dairy cows - Proper Management
• Heat stress abatement improves feed efficiency of high yielding cows in the summer (57)
• Cooling cows improves cow’s welfare and production sustainability (56)
• Two years of experience in cooling cows in Italy (55)
• The implementation of an intensive cooling system in a large scale dairy farm in South Russia (54)
• The implementation of an intensive cooling system in a large scale dairy farm in South Russia (53)
• The use of the "summer to winter ratio" index, to assess the effect of summer heat stress... (52)
• The relationship between hours per day above THI threshold... (51)
• Not necessary high milk production needs to be related to lower fertility... (50)
• The beneficial effects of cooling cows (49)
• Heat stress abatement improves feed efficiency of high yielding cows in the summer (48)
• Cooling cows improves cow’s welfare and production sustainability (47)
• Water, wind, time and a cow, is all you need to cool your cows in summer (46)
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Entrevista al periódico VACA PINTA (59)
El estres por calor y su influencia en la produccion y fertilidads (58)
• El estres por calor y su influencia en la produccion y fertilidads (57)
• "Lechería" - Información profesional - una serie de artículos (56)
• Efectos del estrés por calor y el enfriamiento de las vacas en la economía de la granja ...Part-2 (55)
• Efectos del estrés por calor y el enfriamiento de las vacas en la economía de la granja ...Part-1 (54)
• El uso del índice de "relación verano-invierno", como herramienta para evaluar... (53)
• Agua, viento, tiempo y vaca, es todo lo que se necesita para refrescar bien a tus vacas en el verano (52)
• Producción eficiente de leche en condiciones de estrés por calor (51)
• Las vacas secas también necesitan enfriamiento en verano (50)
• El uso de registradores de datos intravaginales para mejorar la efectividad de enfriamiento... (49)
• La implementación de un sistema de enfriamiento intensivo en una granja lechera... (48)
• Enfriamiento de las vacas en el verano mejora la sostenibilidad de la producción de leche (47)
• El enfriamiento de la vaca en el verano es beneficioso para el bienestar (46)
• Dos años de experiencia en enfriamiento de vacas en Italia (45)
• Efecto del estres por calor y el enfriamiento de las vacas en el verano... (45)
• No es necesario que la alta producción de leche esté relacionada con una menor fertilidad... (44)
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• Quanto costa lo stress da caldo nei bovini da latte Lopinione del dott Flamenbaum (19)
• Il rapporto tra stress da caldo ed efficienza alimentare è più complesso di quanto si pensa (18)
• Lutilizzo dellindice SW ratio come strumento per valutare lefficacia del programma (17)
• Riscaldamento globale fino a che punto possiamo attribuire la colpa ai bovini da latte (16)
• Allevatori non pagate il doppio delle tasse in estate (15)
• Aspetti produttivi, riproduttivi, economici ed ambientalidel raffreddamento delle bovine (14)
• Aspetti produttivi, riproduttivi, economici ed ambientalidel raffreddamento delle bovine (14)
• È possibile raggiungere una buona fertilità delle vacche in estate (13)
• Effetto dell’intensità del raffrescamento delle vacche inestate su “stato termico” (12)
• Efficace implementazione dei sistemi di raffrescamentointensivo delle bovine (11)
• L’uso degli indici di rapporto estate/inverno comestrumento per determinare (10)
• Far fronte allo stress da caldo estivo: l’esempio italiano (09)
• Rapporto costi-benefici del raffreddamento dellevacche da latte in Italia (08)
• Resoconto sull’ “Indice di rapporto estate/inverno” (07)
• Ci vuole più di una sola estate per raggiungere buonirisultati di raffrescamento (06)
• Rapporto costi-benefici del raffreddamento delle vacche da latte in Italia (04)
• È possibile raggiungere una buona fertilità delle vacche in estate (03)
Workshop-gli-effetti negativi dellestate sulle bovine da latte si ripercuotono fino allinverno
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• "MILKPOINT" - Uma série de artigos profissionais (18)
• Vacas secas precisam de resfriamento (No link de login, role para baixo e pressione CONTINUE LENDO 17)
• Apenas pouquíssimos produtores no mundo (No link de login, role para baixo e pressione CONTINUE LENDO 16)
• Currais especiais de resfriamento (No link de login, role para baixo e pressione CONTINUE LENDO 15)
• Redução de pressão na refrigeração de vacas (No link de login, role para baixo e pressione CONTINUE LENDO 14)
• Os meios de resfriamento para reduzir (No link de login, role para baixo e pressione CONTINUE LENDO 13)
• Estresse termico e efeitos do resfriamento (No link de login, role para baixo e pressione CONTINUE LENDO 12)
• Implementação do conhecimento e da experiência israelense para resfriar vacas no mund (11)
• Manejo do estresse cal rico para aumentar a produ o leiteira e sua rentabilidade (10)
• Manejo del Estrés Calórico del Ganado Lechero en Entorno Tropical y Sub - Tropical (09)
• Estresse T rmico Leite integral Diciembre 2015 (08)
• Entrevista Balde Branco Brazil (07)
• Articulo palo en la rueda INFORTAMBO 2015 (06)
• cooling cowsin Italy in Portuguese (05)
• Variações entre verão e inverno definem habilidade em lidar com estresse calórico (04)
• Efeitos do resfriamento de vacas leiteiras (03)
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• implementing Israeli experience in cooling cows (05)
• implementing Israeli experience in cooling cows - Chinese (04)
• Cooling cows - Flamenbaum in Chinese (03)
• Effect of Heat Stress on the Production Efficiency of Dairy Farm (02)
• benefit of cooling cows in China (01)
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produccion de leche en condiciones de estres calorico – con INTA Argentina (01)
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Estres calorico en vacas lcheras – plarica para Paraguay (01)
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• ענף החלב באיטליה מוכן (43)
• ההשפעה של עומס החום וצינון הפרות בקיץ (42)
• השפעת עקת החום (41)
• אבני דרך בהתפתחות ציינון הפרות בישראל (38)
• השפעת גלי החום על ביצועי ההנבה והרבייה בקיץ 2015 (37)
• השפעת עומס החום על הרמה החיסונית של פרות חלב (36)
• 35_התמודדות עם עומס החום בתנאי רפתות עם חליבה רובוטית (35)
• יישום מוצלח של מערכת לצינון פרות באיטליה (34)
• כיצד משפיעים עומס חום וצינון על כלכלת ענף החלבן (33)
• כיצד משפיעים עומס חום וצינון על ריווחיות רפת החלב - חלק ראשון (32)
• כיצד משפיעים עומס חום וצינון על ריווחיות רפת החלב - חלק שני (31)
• מאמר - היבטים כלכליים של עומס חום וצינון בעדר החלב (30)
• מאמר ברפת והחלב על צינון וסביבה (29)
• מאמר חצרותת צינן ייעודיות בצפון מקסיקו (28)
• מאמר ליוסי מלול - ארגנטינה (27)
• סיכום הניסיון משנתיים ראשונות של צינון פרות באיטליה (26)
• פרויקט לצינון פרות ברפת בדרום רוסיה (25)
• צינון פרות בקיץ תורם לצמצום פליטת גזי החממה - 2018 (24)
• צינון פרות ברפת אוזלם בטורקיה (23)
• יישום הידע הישראלי לצינון פרות ברחבי העולם כנס 2017 (22)
• השפעת עומס החום על הרמה החיסונית של פרות חלב (21)
• השפעת גלי החום על ביצועי ההנבה והרבייה בקיץ 2015 (20)
• השימוש במדד יחס קיץ - חורף בארצות הברית (19)
• אבני דרך בפיתוח אמצעים לצינון הפרות בישראל (18)
• צינון הפרות בקיץ תורם גם לצמצום פליטת גזי החממה (15)
• פרות בישראל אבני דרך בצינון (13)
• ייעול השימוש במים בצינון הפרות בקיץ (11)
• השפעת צינון על יעילות ההזנה בישראל (10)
• השפעת הצינון על יעילות הפיכת מזון לחלב (9)
• הפרה היבשה בתנאי עומס חום (8)
• המלצות לצינוןפרות בישראל (6)
• המלצות להגברת יצור החלב בקיץ (5)
• היבטים של רווחת פרה בצינון הפרות בישראל (4)
• יישום הידע הישראלי לצינון פרות בעולם (2)
with Bibliography (some co-authored)
Since 1980
Summer effect on milk production and conception rate of high yielding dairy cows in Israel and its alleviation. 35th Ann.Meeting EAAP, p2, The Hague, Netherlands. I. Flamenbaum, A. Berman, D. Wolfenson (1984)
Cooling dairy-cattle by a combination of sprinkling and forced ventilation and its implementation in the shelter system. J. Dairy Sci. 69: 3140-3147. I. Flamenbaum, Wolfenson D., Mamen M., Berman A. (1986).
Thermal, productive, and reproductive responses of high yielding cows exposed to short-term cooling in summer. J. Dairy Sci. 71:1085-1092. Her E., Wolfenson D., I. Flamenbaum, Folman Y., Kaim M., Berman A. (1988)
Dry period heat-stress relief effects on prepartum progesterone, calf birth-weight, and milk-production. J. Dairy Sci. 71: 809-818. Wolfenson D., I. Flamenbaum, Berman A. (1988)
Hyperthermia and body energy store effects on estrous behavior, conception rate, and corpus-luteum function in dairy-cows. J. Dairy Sci. 71: 3497-3504. Wolfenson D., I. Flamenbaum, Berman A. (1988)
Interactions between body condition at calving and cooling of dairy-cows during lactation in summer. J. Dairy Sci. 78: 2221-2229. I. Flamenbaum, Wolfenson D., Kunz P. L., Maman M. (1995)
A large-scale survey evaluating the effect of cooling Holstein cows on productive and reproductive performances under sub-tropical conditions. J. Dairy Sci. 86: (Sup.1)19. I. Flamenbaum, Ezra E. (2003)
Cooling of dairy cows in Israel - improving cows’ welfare and performance as well as reducing environmental contamination. Symposium: “Interactions between climate and animal production” EAAP Technical Series No 7. I. Flamenbaum, Shoshani. E, Ezra. E. (2003)
How do your cows handle heat stress? In "Hoard's Dairyman" magazine,June10 2006. (Published also in Hoard's Dairyman in Spanish). I. Flamenbaum, E. Ezra
Effect of level of production and intensive cooling in summer on productive and reproductive performance of high yielding dairy cows. J.Dairy Sci. Vol.90, Sup:abstract 345. I. Flamenbaum, E. Ezra (2007)
“The Summer to Winter performance ratio" as a tool for evaluating heat stress relief efficiency of dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl: abstract 753. I. Flamenbaum , E. Ezra (2007).
Intensive cooling of high yielding cows almost eliminate summer decline in milk production. "Hoard's Dairyman" magazine, Aug 25, 2007. (Published also in Hoard's Dairyman in Spanish) I. Flamenbaum
California/Israel Heat wave parallel - Cooling of Dairy Cows in Israel Provides Lessons for California. California Dairy Journal, February 2007. I. Flamenbaum
“Managing dairy cows in hot climates – the Israeli experience” Abstract at FEPALE conference- Costa Rica , 2008, (Published in Spanish). I. Flamenbaum
Cooling and Management practices used in Israel on Fertility, cows Welfare and Production Sustainability. Lecture presented at XXII International Meeting on Meat and Milk. I. Flamenbaum
Cooling and Management practices used in Israel on Milk production, feed efficiency and farm. Lecture presented at XXII International Meeting on Meat and Milk. I. Flamenbaum
Effect of Cooling and Management practices used in Israel on Fertility, cows Welfare and Production Sustainability. Lecture presented at XVI Curso "Novos Enfoques na Producao e reproducao de Bovinos", 2012, Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. I. Flamenbaum
“Milk production under limiting conditions – the case of Israel” Abstract at IDF Annual Meeting, Mexico City, 2008. I. Flamenbaum
Heat production, eating behavior and milk yield of lactating cows fed two rations differing in roughage content and digestibility under heat load conditions. Livestock Science119:143, 2008. G. Adin, R.Solomon, E. Shoshani, I. Flamenbaum, M. Nikbachat, E. Yosef, A. Zenou, I. Halachmi, A. Shamay, A. Brosh, S.J. Mabjeesh, J. Miron.
Effects of cooling dry cows under heat load conditions on mammary gland enzymatic activity, intake of food and water, and performance during the dry period and after parturition. Livestock Science, 124:189,2009. G. Adin , A. Gelman , R. Solomon , I. Flamenbaum, M. Nikbachat , E. Yosef , A. Zenou ,A. Shamay, Y. Feuermann, S.J. Mabjeesh, J. Miron.
Reproductive management of high yielding herds in hot climate: the case of Israel. 2009 Dairy Cattle Reproduction Conference, (DCRC), Minneapolis MN and Boise ID. I. Flamenbaum
Management of Heat Stress to Improve Fertility in Dairy Cows in Israel. Journal of Reproduction and Development Vol. 56, 2010. I. Flamenbaum, N. Galon
"Enfriamiento y su influencia en la eficiencia nutricional de la vaca lechera". In "Hoard's Dairyman" magazine (Spanish), October 2012. I. Flamenbaum
"Cool cows improve feed efficiency and profit". In "Hoard's Dairyman" magazine, March10, 2012. I. Flamenbaum
“From Israel: Is extra cow cooling worth missed resting time?” In "Hoard's Dairyman" magazine, March 25 , 2012. I. Flamenbaum